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End of Cloud9 on PUBG Mobile

Cloud9 PUBG Mobile end

The world of esport is a real jungle. Only the most talented players can make it. If it is difficult to get in, it is even harder to stay in. Careers are often precarious and do not depend solely on long-term sporting performance. The ecosystem is unstable and investors are volatile. Cloud9 's PUBG Mobile players are currently learning this the hard way, as the North American outfit has terminated its team.

If the structure had managed to achieve good results in its early days on the PUBG Mobilethe last few months have not been convincing. After the team failed to qualify for the last big tournaments of the year, the managers preferred to stop the expenses. Without any sentiment, they parted with all the players who are now free agents.
The players will have to find a new home.

A complete end to Cloud9 on PUBG Mobile

We should not see Cloud9 on PUBG Mobile any time soon. While the company is involved in other disciplines (League of Legends, CS:GO or Valorant), it should concentrate on these challenges. In any case, the company has not made any bones about its PUBG Mobile roster. All the players have left, from the oldest to the newest. The incumbents Beowulf (leader in game), Perkisas (fragger), Pyrrha (support) and the French player UnEeveN (fragger) are now entering the market. The Russian ADERR (fragger) is also a free agent. He was released a few days ago and only joined the team in July.

Anything can happen in the world of esport. But in view of this brutal and radical decision, one can legitimately think that Cloud9 is signing for a definitive end to its PUBG Mobile adventure. It is not the most active or lucrative scene esport.

Cloud9 PUBG Mobile is over
C9 on PUBG mobile is now an ancient memory.

A complicated economic situation

The world ofesport is not disconnected from the world around it and the health situation has economic repercussions on all sectors. The end of Cloud9 on PUBG Mobile also responds to economic constraints. Especially since the structure has been underperforming lately. Performing well in 2018 and 2019, during which it won the PUBG Mobile Fall Split North America, 2020 was quite complicated.

This season, Cloud9 has had a string of poor performances. Finishing 5th in the North American Pro League, they did not qualify for the Global Championship 2020. Having missed out on the end of the season, Cloud9's mobile PUBG team is now also missing out on the future.

Tipsalewo A cocktail of mobile gaming,esport and K-PoP. Not tryhard enough to become a pro player, I am content with being the minstrel who tells the stories.

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